Our host for 2024 is Nottingham SMEE (NSMEE) who have extensive facilities built and operated by the Club. These include almost a kilometre long 71/4″ ground level track, a raised track with 31/2″ and 5″ gauges, a large workshop and other model engineering interests.

The rally will be on Saturday, 31st August 2024, at NSMEE club site in Ruddington.

There will also be an opportunity to visit on Sunday 1st September 2024 for those who, with NSMEE agreement, wish to support the clubs public running activities on that day. The Rally is an open event for participtation by all members of clubs that themselves are members of the FMES, and all visitors will be welcome to spectate. On the day of the Rally, all visitors with eligible locomotives are invited to enter the Australian Association of Live Steamers (AALS) trophy and locomotives and other model engineering exhibits are invited to enter the Federation Autumn Rally Competition. The rules and other information can be found as follows:

Australian Association of Live Steamers Trophy competition

The FMES Autumn Rally Competition rules for 2024

Please visit Nottingham SMEE website for more details and how to contact them. Here are links to download the information and invitation notes from Nottingham SMEE, please go to the Nottingham SMEE website to obtain the booking form:



We do hope to see you on the day, quite apart from the opportunity to see a variety of models, it is a great opportunity for us to meet our members personally, and also a chance for you to meet us and perhaps understand a little more about what we endeavour to do!

The busy station at Ruddington