A major part of model engineering is the opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts to exchange ideas, make friendships and have a good time. Going farther afield than the club that someone might belong to broadens experience and spreads good ideas and so it is appropriate that FMES facilitates such activities. We currently support an annual rally, for the members of affiliated clubs to meet and bring their models to run and exhibit. This rally is hosted by the kind endeavours of one of our member clubs and takes place in the late summer or early autumn of the year. We try to move the rally location around the country to even out travel but we are obviously dependent on clubs volunteering! The Autumn Rally is also the venue for the annual Australian Association of Live Steamers (AALS) Trophy as described under it’s own heading. We are mindful that the hobby of model engineering encompasses a whole variety of different activities, and to that end we have changed the focus of the Autumn Rally from locomotives to a wider range of interests. The Autumn Rally therefore will vary each year as we travel to different host clubs. It will now reflect the interests and members activities of each host club. The Rally will still be the location of the AALS Trophy and so there will always be a railway locomotive element, however we look forward to adding more activities in other areas as we travel around. We have, in 2023, added a new competition: ‘The FMES Autumn Rally Competition’ and this will allow more people will different interests to show and compete. This is also described under its own heading. If your club would like to host a rally, please let us know by sending us a message at
[email protected]. Here are some links to further information for your interest: