FMES thrives on contact with model engineers to discuss the topics of the day, understand what is evolving in the hobby and gain knowledge to enable us to support our affilated clubs and their members better. We also set out to encourage model engineering in places where people have yet to discover the fascination of the hobby but have a curiosity to explore and maybe get involved.
A good place to achieve both of these aims is for us to attend appropriate exhibitions where model engineers meet. We are regulars at a few exhibitions during the year, including the Midland Model Engineering Exhibition in Warwickshire, the Harrogate Model Engineering and Model Rail exhibition and some others. We will post our attendance at an exhibition on our news page, so please refer to this for any updates.
We are always open to suggestions to attend exhibitions for one or both of our aims above: of course, we have limited resources and cannot attend all possible venues, but we will always consider proposals. If you have any suggestions, then please contact us.