The objective of this survey is to assist us to understand how member clubs regard the support of ‘Young Engineers’ in their clubs. We hope to use the awareness gained to assist the design of appropriate support services for member clubs that will be offered to member clubs and potentially to ‘Young Engineers’.
We ask that you respond to this survey by representing the view of your club, and also inform us of the name of the club. If you choose to, you can submit the response anonymously, but we will not then be able to keep you specifically informed or ask you if you wish to participate in any progress. Any reports we produce other than for internal management purposes will not mention any club or individual names.
For the purposes of this survey, ‘Young Engineer’ refers to school age (<19yrs) young people. It is likely that FMES will broaden this definition in due course.
The survey is an opportunity for all clubs to provide feedback on this important subject and it follows a workshop that was held at the recent AGM event at Avoncroft Museum.