Subscribing to the newsletter

As you may be aware, at the bottom of the home page is a place for anyone to sign up to receive the newsletter. If you would like to go on the e-mailing list, please follow the links. The message you will receive will be from and so you need to ensure...

Creating Access

A recent discussion regarding how clubs might reflect on support for their more vulnerable members, and in particular thoughts about making access to club facilities and activities easier has led us to prepare some notes on this topic, both from the legal aspects and...

CE marking of boilers

Following questions regarding CE marking, we have added a brief note for your interest. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to us using the contact us email address.

New Members

We are pleased to welcome 2 new members to the Federation. Miniature Railway at Southwold Railway Bridge View Light Railway Details are available via the listing on the Society Locator section of the website.

Heritage Railways Dodge Threat of Coal Mining Ban

The Heritage Railway Association (HRA), which has been campaigning to support British coal mining, has expressed considerable relief following the decisive rejection of a controversial amendment to the Energy Bill, which sought to end all domestic coal mining in the...