New Member – Gipping Valley Model Boat Club

We are pleased to welcome the Gipping Valley Model Boat club as a new member of the Federation. Based in the Needham Lake and Nature Reserve in Needham Market they are a very friendly group of like minded people who love to sail radio control boats on the beautiful...

New Member – Phoenix Model Marine Club

We are pleased to welcome the Phoenix Model Marine Club as new members of the Federation. Based in the Silvermere Golf complex in Cobham. The club members are of all abilities and have both sail and scale models. For the yacht enthusiast they have a regular race...

Do you recognise this loco?

Help needed to find background of this 0-4-2 version of a 7-1/4″ “Hercules” (image used with kind permission of Station Road Steam) If you know anything of its origin, builder or recognise the location shown in these photos, please send details to...

Cherry Hill

We were all saddened to hear of the passing of Cherry Hill recently…probably the best model engineer of recent times and a fine example of the truly universal and open-to-all appeal of the hobby of model – and professional – engineering: RIP.